Archives de l’auteur : Revue Kinephanos

Incorporating curator, collector and player credibilities. Crowdfunding campaign for the Finnish Museum of Games and the creation of game heritage community

Special Issue , August 2018 PDF Version Version française   JAAKKO SUOMINEN, ANNA SIVULA, MARIA B. GARDA University of Turku   Abstract The purpose of this paper is to explore the emergence and authorization of game cultures heritage in relation to the process of establishing a game museum. The paper follows a crowdfunding campaign for the […]

Allier la crédibilité du commissaire, du collectionneur et du joueur. La campagne de sociofinancement du Musée Finlandais du Jeu et la création d’une communauté dédiée au patrimoine vidéoludique

Numéro spécial, août 2018 Version PDF English version   JAAKKO SUOMINEN, ANNA SIVULA, MARIA B. GARDA Université de Turku Traduit de l’anglais par Geneviève Has et Dominique Pelletier   Résumé La visée de cet article est d’explorer l’émergence et l’autorisation du patrimoine culturel vidéoludique en lien avec le processus de développement d’un musée vidéoludique. Pour […]

Introduction. Preserving play: selection, replication, circulation

Special Issue, August 2018 PDF Version Version française Alison Gazzard and Carl Therrien University College London, Université de Montréal   Recent years have witnessed many encouraging initiatives dedicated to the preservation of game history. In 2014, UC Santa Cruz and Stanford experts published “A Unified Approach to Preserving Cultural Software Objects and their Development Histories” (Kaltman […]

Interview: Andreas Lange (Computerspielemuseum)

Special Issue, August 2018 PDF Version Conducted by Alison Gazzard and Carl Therrien AG/CT: Can you give us a brief history of the Computerspielemuseum? How did it come to be, what were the major principles guiding its creation, and what challenges have you faced? AL: The initial idea was our belief that computer games have a […]

Game Inspector : une étude de cas sur la préservation du jeu

Numéro spécial, août 2018 Version PDF English version   JAMES NEWMAN Bath Spa University Traduit de l’anglais par Dominique Pelletier et Alex Gauthier   Résumé Cet article présente l’élaboration du Game Inspector au National Videogame Arcade (Royaume-Uni) et l’implémentation de ce dispositif à travers une étude de cas de Super Mario Bros. Ce développement a […]

The Speedrunning museum of accidents

Special Issue, August 2018 PDF Version   Rainforest Scully-Blaker University of California, Irvine   Abstract This paper discusses speedrunning, the practice of completing a game as quickly as possible without cheats or cheat devices and how it relates to Paul Virilio’s Museum of Accidents. Speedruns are shown to be an example of what the author calls […]

Pirates, plateformes et participants Théoriser les contributions des fans à travers l’histoire post-industrielle de la Sega Dreamcast

Numéro spécial, août 2018 Version PDF   SKOT DEEMING et DAVID MURPHY Université Concordia, Flinders University Traduit de l’anglais par Dominique Pelletier Parution originale: Fans and Videogames. Histories, Fandom, Archives (2017), sous la direction de Melanie Swalwell, Angela Ndalianis et Helen Stuckey   Résumé Cet article relate les conditions d’émergence de la création des fans […]

Interview: Marco Accordi Rickards & Micaela Romanini (VIGAMUS)

Special Issue, August 2018 PDF Version Conducted by Alison Gazzard and Carl Therrien   AG/CT: Can you give us a brief history of VIGAMUS? How did it come to be, what were the major principles guiding its creation, and what challenges have you faced? MAR/MR: VIGAMUS was opened in 2012, but it was the result of […]

Introduction. Préserver le jeu: sélection, duplication, circulation

Numéro spécial, août 2018 Version PDF English version Alison Gazzard et Carl Therrien University College London, Université de Montréal   Les dernières années ont vu se déployer de nombreuses initiatives encourageantes visant à préserver l’histoire des jeux. En 2014, des experts de l’UC Santa Cruz et de Stanford ont publié “A Unified Approach to Preserving […]

Interview: Henry Lowood (Stanford University Libraries)

Special Issue, August 2018 PDF Version Conducted by Alison Gazzard and Carl Therrien   AG/CT: Can you give us a brief history of the Cabrinety Collection at Stanford Libraries? What treatment did the collection receive since it has been donated to the university? HL: The Cabrinety Collection came to Stanford in 1998, I believe, at least […]

Deathstarchitecture : the Space of Evil

Volume 8, issue 1, June 2018 PDF Version   AMEDEO D’ADAMO Universita Cattolica, Milan   Abstract How is the evil of the Evil Empire of the Star Wars universe constructed and codified in its spaces? In SW space is binary : the spatial cues of Deathstarchitecture – its slick surfaces, rational codes, restricted color palates, alienated […]

L’après-mythe : Le Réveil de la Force

Volume 8, numéro 1, juin 2018 Version PDF TOM CUISINIER-ROSSET Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon Résumé Le Réveil de la Force est de toute évidence une réécriture d’Un nouvel espoir, il en reprend jusqu’à la trame, et il réactualise les figures iconiques de la trilogie originale : Han Solo, Leia Organa, etc. Cet article propose de […]

A Bridge and a Reminder: The Force Awakens, Between Repetition and Expansion

Volume 8, issue 1, June 2018 PDF Version   ANA CABRAL MARTINS University of Lisbon   Abstract Reviving the Star Wars film franchise, after Disney acquired Lucasfilm, meant kick-starting a new trilogy that worked as a link between the old films and a new phase. The result was The Force Awakens, a sequel to a 30 […]

Re-playing Legends’ Worlds: Toying with Star Wars’ Expanded Universe in Adult Play

Volume 8, issue 1, June 2018 PDF Version   KATRIINA HELJAKKA University of Turku   Abstract In this essay, I describe how adult fans of the Star Wars universe engage actively in world-building through world-play. What distinguishes world-play from world-building, as proposed by Wolf (2012), is an understanding that adult toy play involves more than mere […]

Go Rogue: A Case Study of an Official Fan Contest

Volume 8, issue 1, June 2018 PDF Version   PEDRO MOURA University of Minho, Communication and Society Research Centre (Portugal)   Abstract The relationship between the media industries and their audiences is increasingly complex. Concepts such as convergence culture foresaw a new kind of relationship, one where the consumers would also be producers, participating in the […]